Bible Study
We'll be studying Numbers 13-20. The study is available on Zoom or in person at the church. We start at 7 p.m.
Human Relations Day
The Human Relations Day offering supports social justice and outreach ministries that empower all God’s children to realize their full potential as human beings in relationship with one another. This…
Human Relations Day
The Human Relations Day offering supports social justice and outreach ministries that empower all God’s children to realize their full potential as human beings in relationship with one another. This…
FREE Movie Screening of ~ “Street Fight”
Bay Ridge United Methodist church 7420 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NYStreet Fight covers the turbulent campaign of Cory Booker, a 32-year old Rhodes Scholar/Yale Law graduate running for mayor of Newark, N.J., against Sharpe James, the four-term incumbent twice his age.…
UMCOR Sunday
The UMCOR Sunday offering underwrites UMCOR’s administrative costs. This offering allows UMCOR to use 100% of all funds given to humanitarian response and recovery efforts directly to communities in need.…
Bible Study
Bay Ridge United Methodist church 7420 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NYJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 2215 0134 Passcode: 961177 One tap mobile +16469313860,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US +19292056099,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1…
Sunday Discussion Group
"Who Wrote the Scrolls?" John Donlon will lead our discussion of a National Geographic article on the origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls. New research, using AI, suggests that the scrolls were…
Devotional Group meeting
Join us in our worship space as we fellowship, pray, and share our joys and struggles with one another. All are welcome. Call the church (718-238-4517) for more information.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Join us every Wednesday from 10 a.m. - noon as we knit and fellowship together. Our prayer shawls have found their way all around the world, bringing comfort to many.…