Native American Sunday

NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES SUNDAY The Native American Ministries offering bolsters the work of Native American ministries in annual conferences throughout the United States. These ministries exist in rural and urban…

Devotional Group meeting

Join us in our worship space as we fellowship, pray, and share our joys and struggles with one another. All are welcome. Call the church (718-238-4517) for more information.

Bible Study

Bay Ridge United Methodist church 7420 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 2215 0134 Passcode: 961177 One tap mobile +16469313860,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US +19292056099,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1…

Devotional Group meeting

Join us in our worship space as we fellowship, pray, and share our joys and struggles with one another. All are welcome. Call the church (718-238-4517) for more information.

Bible Study

Bay Ridge United Methodist church 7420 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 2215 0134 Passcode: 961177 One tap mobile +16469313860,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US +19292056099,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1…

Devotional Group meeting

Join us in our worship space as we fellowship, pray, and share our joys and struggles with one another. All are welcome. Call the church (718-238-4517) for more information.

Bible Study

Bay Ridge United Methodist church 7420 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 2215 0134 Passcode: 961177 One tap mobile +16469313860,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US +19292056099,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1…

Devotional Group meeting

Join us in our worship space as we fellowship, pray, and share our joys and struggles with one another. All are welcome. Call the church (718-238-4517) for more information.

Bible Study

Bay Ridge United Methodist church 7420 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 2215 0134 Passcode: 961177 One tap mobile +16469313860,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US +19292056099,,91822150134#,,,,*961177# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1…

Devotional Group meeting

Join us in our worship space as we fellowship, pray, and share our joys and struggles with one another. All are welcome. Call the church (718-238-4517) for more information.